An Evening with Sraddhalu: Discussion About (Viruses and Bacteria)| 2hr : 03mins
Director: Narad Trust | Producer: Narad Trust
Focus Years: 2020 | Country: India
TALK: This talk discusses how the viruses and bacteria can affect our health. How some bacteria are good and some are not. How the imbalance in the Gut bacteria can cause & influence both physical and mental diseases. It also sheds light on Sri Aurobindo’s Aphorisms on health and Medical Science, and The Mother's views on true nature and origin of microbes and the yogic perspective on bacteria.
It also mentions differences between bacteria and viruses, weaponization of bacteria and viruses like corona virus, SARS, Ebola and how viruses are used as delivery tools to genetically modify cells, grains, etc.
An Evening with Sraddhalu: Discussion About (Viruses and Bacteria)
2hr : 03mins
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